Martin Paluška
Jan Sokol
Mihal Bireš
Vladimir Boboš
Martin Jonaš
Jan Knjazovic
Pavel Hrk
Jan Garaj
Jan Strakušek
Ondrej Venjarski
Jan Venjarski
Zuzana Halupova
Katarina Kožik
Pavel Lacko
Jan Husarik
Ondrej Pilh
Alžbeta Čižikova
Katarina Karlečikova Severini
Jan Bačur
Mihal Povolni
Eva Husarikova
Ana Lenhartova
Pavel Hajko
Ferenc Pataki
Jan Glozik
Martin Markov
Eva Svetlikova
Pavel Cicka
Ana Knjazovic
Jan Žolnaj
Zuzana Vereski
Štefan Varga
Martin Pap
Desa Petrov Morar
Nada Korenj
Rozalija Markov
Marija Vargova
Drago Terzić
Pavel Ljavroš
Juraj Ljavroš
Marija Hlavati
Jozef Havjar
Jan Hriješik
Ana Kotvaš
Jano Šimek
Vladimir Galas
Pavel Povolni Juhas
Katarina Ljavroš
Vesna Hrćan
nataša knjazovic
Vieroslava Svetlik
Biserka Marko
Ivana Svetlik
Marija Raspir
Ema Dišpiter
Jarmila Cicka
Stefani Husarova
Marina Petrik
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Naive art history
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Martin Jonaš
Corn on the back
Corn on the back
Located in
Naive Art Kult
Year of creation
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Martin Jonas, Gledanje jaja, 41x58, 1968. god..JPG
11, Martin Jonas, Vesely mladenec, 27x37, 1985.jpg
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1, Martin Jonas, Na voze, 62x70, 1980.jpg
Martin Jonas, Banatski obelisk, 105x41, 1988. god..JPG
The stall
An the table
Martin Jonas, Igra, 50x150, 1964. god..JPG
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14, Martin Jonas, Husi na ulici, 35x49, 1989.jpg
Martin Jonas, Strašilo, 67x40, 1990. god..JPG
2, Martin Jonas, Polovnik, 70x45, 1984.jpg
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Martin Jonas, Pred kućom, 33x52, 1970. god..JPG
The whistler
12, Martin Jonas, Vyznanie lasky, 30x41, 1991.jpg
13, Martin Jonas, Vo vezeni, 51x72, 1957, olejomalba na lesonite.jpg
Martin Jonas, razdrazeni konj, 1987.jpg
Among the sunflowers
Martin Jonas, Dogovor, 50x36, 1993. god..JPG
The transport of pumpkins
Martin Jonas, Guske na ulici, 1986.jpg
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Martin Jonas, Moja radost, 70x54, 1981. god..JPG
Drunk Marci
The pumpkin harvest
At the well
Goat and woman
At the fence
The corn harvest
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At the well
21, Martin Jonas, Moje bohatstvo, 82x64, 1988.jpg
20, Martin Jonas, Muzikanti, 49x40, 1979.jpg
16, Martin Jonas, Zena, 80x50, 1979.jpg
Horse-drawn carriage
Martin Jonas, Srećan dan, 70x54, 1977. god..JPG
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The feeding of geese
The woman by the barrel
The man with a bag
The friends
The talk on the bench
The winter
Corn on the back
Hardworking woman
Going to the market
This is me
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3, Martin Jonas, Rozhovor, 70x50, 1992.jpg
Martin Jonas, Nedelja, 62x34, 1994. god..JPG
Martin Jonas, Seosko zvono, 35x52, 1967. god..jpg
Martin Jonas, Razjareni konj i sanke, 60x100, 1977. god..JPG
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The talk
18, Martin Jonas, Treskuca zima, 80x80, 1988.jpg
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The lovers
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Under the umbrella
9, Martin Jonas, Oddych, 42x30, 1992.jpg
Martin Jonas, Kolera u Kovačici, 38x27, 1971 god..JPG
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The horse and the bird
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10, Martin Jonas, Prosba, 25x50, 1978.jpg
Martin Jonas, Povratak sa seče, 70x70, 1972. god..JPG
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The milkman
6, Martin Jonas, Pekarka, 68x55, 1986.jpg
Martin Jonas, Udova, 62x78, 1981. god..JPG
22, Martin Jonas, Portret zeny, 30x38, 1977.jpg
23, Martin Jonas, Perjar, 34x54, 1987.jpg
7, Martin Jonas, Tuzba po bohatsve, 78x60, 1989.jpg
The sowing
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The pumpkins
15, Martin Jonas, Jedinak, 61x45,5, 1973.jpg
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Martin Jonas, Uplašeni konj, 48x53, 1972. god..JPG
Martin Jonas, Moja škola naslikana, 34x50, 1957. god..JPG
4, Maritn Jonas, Smadne kravy, 33x49, 1980.jpg
Our corn
Martin Jonas, Moja Kovačica, 48x68, 1969. god..JPG
The Meeting
Martin Jonas, Svinjokolj, 41x81, 1967. god..JPG